So You Want to Make a Podcast!
POSTPONED! Now sheduled for March 18th.
Speakers: Donna Langille, Student Reference Librarian, Concordia University Library & Emma Wilson, Student Reference Librarian, Concordia University Library
Learn how to create your own podcast in this introductory and interactive workshop. We will cover all levels of production including content creation, recording, editing and promotion, as well as provide participants with a list of free resources and simple to use tools to help them get started. No previous podcasting experience is necessary.
Who is this for?
Anyone who seeks a tutorial on recording, editing and publishing a podcast.
What to Bring?
a laptop* with Audacity (free) & LAME Mp3 Encoder (free) installed
* These items can be sign out by Concordia students from the Loans & Returns desk (LB-220) before the workshop.
Open to everyone. 120 minutes.
Image: My Podcast Set I by Patrick Breitenbach, CC BY 2.0,