You Need a Budget

You Need a Budget

A screen shot of HomeBank
A screen shot of HomeBank

While it is possible to do hardware projects based on scrap alone, projects like this are ill-suited for beginners. Even simple projects like rotating a cat toy or automating a dispenser are turned into grueling, complicated projects when trying to use salvaged equipment. However, there are an infinite number of projects that can be done for a low price, measured in coffee’s. If you don’t think you can afford a few coffee’s worth of project material then YOU NEED A BUDGET!!! While that is the name of the easiest to use budgeting software that I have found to date, it is neither free nor open-source. Seeking alternatives, I have started using a program called HomeBank to do my budgeting. It’s by far not the hardest budgeting software I’ve used, but learning how to use it is a time investment. Sadly, the best aid to learning how to use the software that I have found so far is their documentation, which is adequate. It is (of course) available on all platforms

For those who think they can afford a few coffee’s You Also Need a Budget! Either way, in coming articles I’ll be covering my favorite stores for buying parts and some sample projects.