Tag: zoom

Show & Tell! 08.Oct 2020

This week’s show and tell will be all about Mechanical keyboards. I explain how they function and take apart a keyboard to show you how it works! It starts at 14:30 and goes for an hour. Zoom Meeting ID: 788 751 7568 Password: 244979

An Intro to LoomieLive

LoomieLive is a software for virtual meeting avatars that’s currently in its beta release. LoomieLive reads your facial expressions through your webcam and mirrors them onto a virtual avatar. LoomieLive’s purpose is to let people use video even if they don’t wish to turn on their camera in virtual meetings. So now you can even…
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The Zoom Panic Button

The number of stories going around of embarrassing video chat moments has gone up dramatically. If you have one of these stories you’ve likely since figured out how to quickly and efficiently shut off your computers feed. On a related note, now is the time to get into Arduino. Here is a wonderfully documented beginner…
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