Tag: python

Develop an Alarm Clock in Python

It is no doubt that an alarm clock is always handy to alert us whenever we sleep, take a short nap, or to remind us about the work, we always get oblivious about. Our ancestors have been using an alarm clock, going back to its 2,000 years long history but over time, the new advancements…
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How to Make a Chatbot in Python

A chatbot is an AI-based software designed to interact with humans in their natural languages. These chatbots are usually converse via auditory or textual methods, and they can effortlessly mimic human languages to communicate with human beings in a human-like manner. A chatbot is arguably one of the best applications of natural language processing. Chatbots can…
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Python Tic Tac Toe

It’s no doubt, you must have played Tic Tac Toe in your school days and every one of us loves to play the game. You will be surprised to know that the game of Tic Tac Toe is known to exist since ancient Egypt times. With this Python project by TechVidvan, we are going to…
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Python HTTP Server

Welcome to another Python tutorial everyone! Web severs are everywhere. Heck you are interacting with one right now! What is an HTTP Server? An HTTP web server is nothing but a process that is running on your machine and does exactly two things: 1- Listens for incoming http requests on a specific TCP socket address (IP address…
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