Tag: python

Autonomous Vehicle: Self Driving Car Simulator

Hello, today we will talk about the simple working of self-driving cars using python and deep learning. We will create a convolutional neural network in the Keras framework that will detect the road and automatically turn the steering as per the path. Let’s Get Started First of all, we need to download the dataset for…
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PyGame: Let’s beat the machine learning model

Today, this week we will be doing a fun activity as we always do but this time we will try to beat the machine learning model. Wait, what!!! Can it be possible?? I don’t know the answer to the question.😬 But this is the competition between us and the machine learning model. Let’s start setting…
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SageMath: An Open-Source Alternative to Mathematica & Maple.

Image Source: https://www.ima.umn.edu/press-room/sagemath-coding-workshop Many of you may be familiar with programs such as Maple & Mathematica, which are considered to be CAS: “Computer Algebra Systems” with features covering many aspects of mathematics, such as Algebra, Calculus, Number Theory, Number Analysis, Statistics and Combinatorics. It is quite common to find these programs utilized in some upper…
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Logo Programming: Snake Game using Python

Hello, this week we will be exploring logo programming. Yes, using python is it can be done. Python is a very rich language it comes with a preinstalled library called a turtle. Python turtle library comes with a similar interactive feature that gives new programmers a taste of what it’s like to work with Python.…
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Edutainment: Learn to Code While Playing Minecraft!

Image source: https://mspoweruser.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/code-builder-minecraft.jpg By this point in time, we are probably all familiar with the Java-based wonder that is Minecraft, which became one of the most beloved PC games that attracted both children and adults. These days, calling it a PC game doesn’t really do it justice as it has been available on just about…
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Your App, Live, Easy

Have you written some cool applications with your favorite language? Do you like to make it public and show everyone what you have done? No worries. You don’t need to pay for anything. You don’t even need to setup a server from scratch neither. In this article, I’ll show you two options that are free…
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Kerbal Space Program: Let Python Put You Into Orbit.

Some of my favorite hobbies are the ones that involve playing games and picking up practical skills, and it’s even better when I can enjoy both at the same time. One of my favorite games to learn with and pass the time is Kerbal Space Program, and a computer language that I have been learning…
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Intro to Data Science

If you’re interested in learning data science or machine learning, the Data Professor on YouTube is a great place to start. Data science is a massive field, and can even touch other fields such as machine learning and big data. Python and Jupyter notebook are the most common tools for data science and are what…
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Python Color Detector

Colour detection is the process of detecting the name of any color. Simple isn’t it? Well, for humans this is an extremely easy task but for computers, it is not straightforward. Human eyes and brains work together to translate light into color. Light receptors that are present in our eyes transmit the signal to the…
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Crawling Your Way through the Web, One Hiss at A Time.

If you’re building a bot or trying to collect data from a website, web scraping is the way to go. Web scraping pulls text from website and lets you format and save the data in an easy format like json. The easiest way to make your own web scraper is with python and the library…
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