Tag: 3D Printing

3D Geeks: Everything you need to know

Hello, Today we will talk about the 3D Geeks app which provides all the features such as finding, saving, and uploading 3D models to your printer. To perform the 3D printing, first, we need to find the 3D model from websites such as Thingiverse, then we have to device to slice the model file into…
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Can AI and 3D technology combine?

Nowadays, AI is leading the field of science. Machines can learn and complete tasks independently. However, 3D printing is much more than the production of plastic prototypes. 3D printing is still quite a complex process, and AI can improve it and make it even more efficient. There is a great chance that the combination of…
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Draw It In 3D

3D pens have been around for a while. We usually have one at the Sandbox so people can experience 3D printing on a different level or allow them more versatility in creation. We have had some very interesting projects done with it but I have always been hard press to find projects I could recommend.…
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Resin printed keycaps

I will have two keyboards coming but haven’t got any keycaps for them, so I just want to try what if I print one using a resin printer. First step I found some design that I want to put on the keycaps, I found a bender (the robot from Futurama) one, then I check what…
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Latex Printing

It’s an unspoken goal of hobbyists and academia these days to be able to 3D print every material humans have yet harnessed. Chocolate printing, organ printing, concrete printing have all been done and have made headlines, but some materials, due to their physical properties are exceptionally tricky to adapt for 3D printing. Take latex for…
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3D Printer Basics – Cleaning Prints

Welcome to the last installment of the series for 3D Printer basics. This final post on the topic will wrap up how to finish prints. For those of you who have access to a 3D printer, you can try it at home. For others, you can keep it in mind for when we re-open. For…
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3D Printer Basics – Custom Support

Last week, we discovered support and their uses. Now to add to this, there is an option in Prusa Slicer (and other slicers as well) to create custom support. If you’ve printed before at the Sandbox, you know we have a “Enable Support” checkbox that does it all for you. Sometimes the automatic process over-estimates…
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PLA Recycling

As most sandbox users know, the sole kind of plastic used by our space is PLA (Polylactic Acid). One of the interesting facets of PLA is that even once you’ve made it into something, you can grind it up and re-melt it down into something else. I recently bought a filament recycler from redtec to…
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3D Printable Maps

3D models of real-world places used to require an entire survey team and hours upon hours of labour. With 3D printing and Google maps, the work involved is now trivial. To begin with, here is a tutorial from PrusaLabs on how to acquire and manipulate the terrain data. The PrusaLabs tutorial is primarily for 3D…
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3D Printer Basics – Slicers

In this following episode of 3D printers basics, I thought it would be good to talk about “slicers”. Slicers are software that take the file you wish to print and translate it into something called GCode – which are essentially instructions for the printer to follow step-by-step. There’s a few slicing software out there: Cura:…
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