Shut up and take my Arduino!
Have you ever had an idea so ridiculous you thought it couldn’t be useful? Have you ever wondered to which extent you can go with an Arduino or other micro controller?
Lets push some of these boundaries of knowledge with… useless and even dangerous Arduino projects!
First and favorite contender, the auto shoelaces!
If you ever wanted your very own Nike Mag like in the movie Back to the Future, this one is it!
Here’s a list of other projects in the same vein:
Some other projects that can keep you entertained for hours such as this useless box:
We can’t do projects without some ‘fun’ ones so here’s to one of the best tentacles I’ve ever seen. Remember, don’t try this at home!
If you need ideas for more projects, you can check out this site with a large amount of ideas to get you started!
You shouldn’t limit yourselves to pre-made projects, think outside the useless box!