Minecraft – Join Us!

Minecraft – Join Us!

Here is a little known fact: Being a Concordia student gives you free access to Minecraft educational edition. Since this is accessible to all students, the sandbox is hosting a server! So, how does one access this resource?

To install and play Minecraft, you’ll first have to activate your @live.concordia.ca email address, as per the instructions HERE, under the “How to get it” section.

Next, download Minecraft educational edition. Note: educational edition is different from both bedrock edition and java edition (though it is based off of bedrock edition).

a screen shot from the Minecraft educational edition website

Once you’ve downloaded it, install it like you would any other piece of software.

Conconrdia VPN and Connect

Now, if you’re not interested in joining the Sandbox server, you can skip this step, but for everyone who want’s to join us, you’ll need to install and use the Concordia VPN. Instructions to do that are HERE.

Either way, launch the application and sign in.

Sign In
Input your Concordia email, specifically the one that starts with your netname
sign in with your standard netname and password

And Voila! Working Minecraft! For connecting to our server, follow these instructions:

Click on Play
Click on Join World
Input minecraft.library.concordia.ca as the “IP Address” and click Join!

And voila! Welcome to the Concordia Library Technology Sandbox Minecraft Server! It is important to note that Library policies, especially the Code of Conduct are in effect for our virtual space. Also, while this server is intended to be up all the time, we can only guarantee that it will be up during business hours (10:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday).

Have fun, and we’ll see there!