Kdenlive VS Shotcut: A Video Editing Odyssey

Kdenlive VS Shotcut: A Video Editing Odyssey

Image sourced from https://shotcut.org/media/

Trying to find a free open-source video editing software that fits a filmmaker’s specific needs can be a challenge. Now there are a few solid options when it comes to advanced video editing software that works for advanced and beginner filmmakers. The two softwares that are at the top of my list are Kdenlive and Shotcut, both are well liked and used and hold most off the tools you’ll need in order to create an amazing video. But the real question is: which is the better one?

When comparing and using both Kdenlive and Shotcut, the conclusion is that Shotcut is the better software. Although Kdenlive has its perks and a nicer interface (in my opinion), it carries a lot more bugs within it, making simple video editing tools and techniques a lot harder than they need to be. Certain effects within the software tend to cause Kdenlive to crash, making it almost impossible to complete a project. As for Shotcut, I haven’t faced a single bug that has made my video editing any more stressful than it has to be. It’s quick and easy to use, making small and bigger projects more enjoyable to work on since there’s no need to worry about the software crashing at any moment.

Kdenlive and Shotcut both have an abundance of video effects and filters that are easy apply and useful. Shotcut shares similar effects with its counterpart but seems to have a little more options in terms of video and audio effects. The amount of audio effects within Shotcut erases the need to resort to any external audio editor to complete complicated audio mixes and edits. This not only eliminates the need to find a good audio editor but saves a lot of time in the editing process, due to the fact that everything is compact and within the same software. When it comes to applying simple effects/filters, the playback remains smooth, making it easier to view before rendering. Whereas Kdenlive’s playback slows down as soon as any of the video properties, effect, and filters are been toggled. The only downside to Shotcut is that the rendering process is a little more complicated. In order to see a rendered version of your project, it needs to be exported. This means that the playback video will remain choppy even after rendering. Overall, it works the same as Kdenlive, if you are new to the software, it can take a bit to get used to.

I could go on about how Shotcut is the better choice compared to Kdenlive, but the examples above are important features that can greatly alter the video editing process. Kdenlive itself is also a great software and works well for a lot of people, but in the end Shotcut was the one that worked the best for me. It has a great interface, effects, and tools that really make editing enjoyable and easy. In the end Shotcut is one of the best free and open-source video editing software out there, and as someone who is on a budget and has used Adobe Premiere Pro for most of their editing and filmmaking journey, it’s a great alternative.

To download Shotcut for either GNU/Linux, macOS, or Microsoft Windows, click the link below:
