DIY DoorCam – Raspberry Pi
For those who saw the “Ring Video Doorbell” and didn’t want Amazon tracking your coming-and-going, your neighbors coming-and-going, etc, You can set up a system like this yourself. The fastest and easiest setup involves flashing an SD card with a special “img” file, plugging everything in (the camera, the SD card, the raspberry pi) and then doing a few minutes of configuration. Instructions Here.
Personally though, I am a fan of doing things the hard way. Admittedly though, this was still not difficult. These instructions were helpful in getting it set up the long way, but because this tutorial was out of date, some steps were unnecessary. For instance, “the current version of motion does not (yet) support the Raspberry Pi camera” is no longer true, and you can skip 4 steps and go straight to enabling the daemon. Also, the last step where they fix the auto-start is also unnecessary: it’s already fixed! This is to say nothing of the fact that there are easier ways to connect to wifi than what they describe.
Either way, enjoy some photo’s of my mounting solution!