Blender Tutorial: Materials and Shaders

Blender Tutorial: Materials and Shaders

This week we’ll be looking at another way to add colour to your 3D models using materials and shaders. With materials and shaders, you can replicate the look of glass, fabric, ceramic, grass, hair, and much more. Texturing and UV mapping is generally better for toon styled colouring, while materials are better suited for replicating real world objects.

The first tutorial I’ve chosen is a run through of all the basics of materials and how to edit them in the node editor of Blender. It’s a fast paced tutorial, so take your time and pause to follow along better. The second tutorial is a fun one I found to give your 3D models a pixel art look. I also like to make pixel art, so I’ll be finding ways to mix the two mediums more later on.

Blender Shader Node Tutorial by CGMatter:

Pixel Art Shader Tutorial: