How foldable screens work definitely not magic
This is a fun video explains how the newest trending technology foldable screen work (business secret not included it’s just what we know so far).
This is a fun video explains how the newest trending technology foldable screen work (business secret not included it’s just what we know so far).
this tutorial teaches you how to make talking buttons with an Arduino kit, of course, you need some extra material that costs less than 30$ but it is an easy DIY. The buttons are for training your pet dogs so read my last post first ;).
For this week’s show & tell, I will finish the talking button series with two low budget way to make a talking button for your pets. Join the zoom meeting Join the zoom meeting HERE at 1pm on Tuesday, February 2nd. Or with meeting ID: 829 7708 3019 and password: 982778. at 1 pm on…
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Dog lovers! Do you want to know what your dogs are thinking when they are barking or crying, and you get mad sometimes? Like babies, they can not express themselves with words, so they bark and break furniture to show their emotions and needs. Have you ever watched a video where a cute shepherd named…
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There is another easy way for your dream to come true. This one is called a 3D hologram fan. One reminder about this is do not try to interact with it or you might lose your fingers. not like the real hologram from my last post, this one achieve its purpose by displaying a video…
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Ever seen the cool hologram screen you can interact with and just pop up in the mid-air in a lot of sci-fi movies and you always want one since you’re a kid? This video might make your dream come true!
Some times I just forget about watering my plants, I’m sure you do too, so I got myself an Arduino kit and make a system that water my plants for me also log data such as soil and lighting. I followed this tutorial. Have fun with your Arduino kit if you have one on hand!…
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people on Snapchat, Instagram are big fans of putting emoji on their faces for the past few years, iPhone also has a new feature that you can use the camera to make yourself a unicorn (or a monkey or everything else). There are also sites like face rig that provides the service. All you need…
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For this time’s show and tell, I will show some fun music games and applications, and I will recommend some tutorials for music production beginners. Meeting start at 2:30 and go for about an hour. Password: 244979
Photoshop is a very useful tool, not only you can adjust the photos you take to make them gorgeous the way you want, but also, create a world that only exist in your imagination. Here is a free tutorial on youtube for you if you’re a beginner. It introduces some of the most used technics…
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