An Intro to LoomieLive

An Intro to LoomieLive

LoomieLive is a software for virtual meeting avatars that’s currently in its beta release. LoomieLive reads your facial expressions through your webcam and mirrors them onto a virtual avatar.

LoomieLive’s purpose is to let people use video even if they don’t wish to turn on their camera in virtual meetings. So now you can even participate in those classes where professors demand cameras to be on.

The results of LoomieLive’s face-tracking are really impressive; it can recognize most basic expressions like smiling and talking, but it can even tell when you stick your tongue out or make a kissy face. You can even use an app to make an avatar that looks like you (I will warn, it is a bit weird and uncanny valley though).

LoomieLive’s only downside is that it can be slow on some older computers, so check the specs to see if it works on your computer. My laptop struggles to run LoomieLive and lags a bit, but my laptop is a bit under their spec requirements.