3-D Game Development Unity: Creating Project and Importing Assets

3-D Game Development Unity: Creating Project and Importing Assets

Last week, I wrote an article about getting started in Unity. Well, this week we will talk about how to create a project in unity as well as how to import assets in the unity project. If you have a problem installing the unity software in your machine or your computation power is slow. No problem, we technology sandbox team provide you all facility of accessing public machine with good computation power where all the 3d modeling software is preinstalled 😲😎. You can book your time slot here. Remember, you can use public machines after 12 hours of booking i.e., you have to make an advance booking to use a sandbox public machine.

Creating Project

To create a project in the unity 3d software. Follow these simple steps. Open the unity software. You’ll see the windows. Click on the NEW button on the top-right corner.

Select 3D template. Give Project Name and set the Location of your project. All set, you are good to go for creating the project by click CREATE button at the bottom-right corner.

It will probably take one to five minutes depending on the computation power of your machine to load the basic assets and creating the basic scene.

After the project is created, you’ll see the project window of Unity 3d Software where we are going to create the game. The layout of the project window is different from your machine. You can change the by routing to WINDOWS -> LAYOUTS -> 2 by 3. Then you’ll have the same photo project window.

Importing Assets

Now, we are ready to import the assets, I have the assets folder for our game development. You have to download assets zip and extract. You can create your own assets in the blender, Maya, or any 3d modeling software. For saving time, we will be using the created already assets. After extracting, drag and drop the assets folder to the unity assets section. It will look like your computer got to hang, but relax it is running in the background!! Don’t touch your computer until all the assets are loaded. Otherwise, your machine will really get hang!!

After loading assets in the unity, Navigate to the Fantasy Demon Cave folder in the assets section of the unity software. You have to drag and drop the Demo_Scene to Scene View of Unity. That’s all you have imported the asset in unity. Good going !!!

Checking the 3d model assets, Drag your pointer to a scene view and press the ALT key and you can navigate your 3d model.

Now, let’s set the camera view, when your start playing the game, your scene must be visible to you. This can be done by selecting the Main Camera in the Hierarchy Window as shown in the GIF. Select it, drag the camera in x, y, or z direction from scene view and look in the game view that your scene is visible to you.

That’s all for this week, You have done a good job👍😁. Next week we will work with lightning and materials in Unity3D.

Credit: https://concordia.udemy.com/course/devslopes-unity3d/